Brainstorm/J: Un framework para agentes inteligentes

  • A. Zunino ISISTAN Research Institute Fac. de Ciencias Exactas, Dpto. de Computación y Sistemas Universidad Nacional del Centro
  • A. Amandi ISISTAN Research Institute Fac. de Ciencias Exactas, Dpto. de Computación y Sistemas Universidad Nacional del Centro


Intelligent agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) are one of the most rapidly developing areas of research of the last years. Agents offer new ways to analyze, design and implement software systems, improving, potentially, the ways in which software is modeled and then materialized by using a programming language

Cómo citar
Zunino, A., & Amandi, A. (2002). Brainstorm/J: Un framework para agentes inteligentes. Electronic Journal of SADIO (EJS), 4(1). Recuperado a partir de