The management of informatics archives and the use of blockchain: legal and technological knowledge involved

  • Ariel Vercelli Instituto de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (INHUS) CONICET - UNMdP
Keywords: archives, argentina informatics, blockchain, laws, technologies


The article presents the study carried out on the latest trends in archives management and the use of blockchain technology. Specifically, it investigates what are the legal aspects and the technological knowledge involved for the management of archives in the digital age. What kind of archives should we be thinking for the XXI century? Could the use of
blockchain favor the construction and management of archives? The article reveals several of the current problems related to archives and some of their possible solutions: among others, long preservation, scanning, digitization, availability, reliability, smart documents, use of distributed blockchain technologies, immutability. Through this contribution, we seek to make visible
the complexities (old and new problems) and highlight what are the legal and technological knowledge involved in the design of archives. The major research linked to this article seeks to increase the quality and availability of archives and improve historical and socio-cultural research on informatics in Argentina and Latin America. 

How to Cite
Vercelli, A. (2021). The management of informatics archives and the use of blockchain: legal and technological knowledge involved. Electronic Journal of SADIO (EJS), 20(1), 117-131. Retrieved from