Enabledness-based Testing of Object Protocols

  • Javier Godoy Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento | Departamento de Computación, FCEyN-UBA. ICC/CONICET
  • Juan Pablo Galeotti Departamento de Computaci´on, FCEyN-UBA. ICC/CONICET
  • Diego Garbervetsky Departamento de Computaci´on, FCEyN-UBA. ICC/CONICET
  • Sebastián Uchitel Departamento de Computacion, FCEyN-UBA. ICC/CONICET | Department of Computing, Imperial College London
Palabras clave: Automatic Test Generation, Enabledness-Preserving Abstractions, Genetic Algorithms


A significant proportion of classes in modern software introduce or use object protocols, prescriptions on the temporal orderings of method calls on objects. This paper studies search-based test generation techniques that aim to exploit a particular abstraction of object protocols (enabledness preserving abstractions, EPAs) to find failures. We define coverage criteria over an extension of EPAs that includes abnormal method termination and define a search-based test case generation technique aimed at achieving high coverage. Results suggest that the proposed case generation technique with a fitness function that aims at combined structural and extended EPA coverage can provide better failure-detection capabilities not only for protocol failures but also for
general failures when compared to random testing and search-based test generation for standard structural coverage.
This article was published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, Volume 30. Issue 2: https://doi.org/10.1145/3415153.

Cómo citar
Godoy, J., Galeotti, J. P., Garbervetsky, D., & Uchitel, S. (2022). Enabledness-based Testing of Object Protocols. Memorias De Las JAIIO, 8(3), 63-63. Recuperado a partir de https://ojs.sadio.org.ar/index.php/JAIIO/article/view/281
ASSE - Argentine Symposium on Software Engineering