Introduction to the didactics of programming for a professor master degree in Computer Science

  • Maria Virginia Brassesco Exactas-UBA y UniPe
Keywords: Didactics, Programming, University Education


The didactics of Computer Science is a recent scientific discipline that is in development. Although there are
different proposals for platforms and approaches to teaching computing in schools, the challenge is to train future teachers of
computer science for its dictation in secondary schools in Argentina. This article describes the first version and dictation
experience of the subject "Didactics of Programming 1", within the framework of the new career: Computer Science
Teachers, from UniPe. This subject uses material generated by the students in correlative subjects, to reflect on their own
learning processes and the ways of teaching different computational concepts. It is sought that the students are not only
capable of reproducing existing activity sheets, but also that they can create new ones and base their productions from
different theoretical perspectives. This article will present the objectives of the subject, its foundation within the teaching
staff and the teaching and evaluation strategies.

How to Cite
Brassesco, M. (2023). Introduction to the didactics of programming for a professor master degree in Computer Science. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(9), 234-246. Retrieved from
SAEI - Simposio Argentino de Educación en Informática