Models of parallel applications focused on resource optimization: a literature review

Keywords: parallel computing, resource optimization, high-performance computing, hardware architectures, complex applications


In this study, a literature review is presented focusing on implementation models of parallel applications aimed at optimizing resources in the field of high-performance computing. Key research and theoretical approaches are analyzed, highlighting the importance of proper resource management in the design and application of the parallel paradigm in computationally complex systems and applications. In addition, metrics and methodologies for measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed models are examined. This review considers the challenges and obstacles in implementing solutions, such as scalability, resource heterogeneity, and the intrinsic limitations of the systems and applications examined. This analysis provides a solid framework for future research in parallel and distributed computing, identifying areas of improvement and challenges in implementing models focused on resource optimization, laying the groundwork for the development of innovative and efficient solutions in solving large-scale and complex problems.

How to Cite
Méndez-Garabetti, M., Piray, E., Magris, N., & Schmidt, R. (2023). Models of parallel applications focused on resource optimization: a literature review. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(15), 157-160. Retrieved from
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