Initiatives for teaching Artificial Intelligence in schools. Global, regional and local approaches

  • Isabel Miyuki Kimura LINTI - Facultad de Informática - UNLP
  • Claudia Queiruga LINTI - Facultad de Informática - UNLP
  • Javier Díaz LINTI - Facultad de Informática - UNLP
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Computer Science, Machine Learning


This paper is contextualized in the PhD thesis project in Computer Science of the UNLP called "Incorporation of Machine Learning in high school education". The recent irruption of generative Artificial Intelligence tools, at the reach of a click, such as the chatbot ChatGPT for texts or Dall-e for images, bring with them the novelty of producing things that did not exist, substantially transforming the way in which content is produced and consumed, among other activities. These technologies highlight the existence of systems that collect hundreds of millions of data available on the Internet and in private repositories, in different formats, such as texts, images, photos, videos and audios, with which they are trained to generate new content, difficult to predict. In this sense, the question to be asked is whether the compulsory education system, specifically the school, is preparing citizens who can understand these technologies and actively participate in this technological change that will undoubtedly affect the world of work and study. This article reviews the existing initiatives at global, regional and local level, promoted by Governments, companies and civil society organizations, on Artificial Intelligence education in the school education system, identifying the countries that have made progress in the development of a curriculum design that includes these contents, their didactic approaches, their degree of implementation, available materials and teacher training.


How to Cite
Kimura, I., Queiruga, C., & Díaz, J. (2023). Initiatives for teaching Artificial Intelligence in schools. Global, regional and local approaches. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(9), 171-184. Retrieved from
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