Automatic system for information collection and classification based on logic circuits.

  • Pablo Dellacqua UTN - FRSF
  • Santiago Enrique Sánchez
  • Francisco Tomás Yeroncich
Keywords: Combinational logic circuits. Sequential logic circuits. Synchronization mechanisms. Logisim Evolution.


In the Computer Architecture course of the first year of the Information Systems Engineering program, students are required to carry out a practical assignment to strengthen their skills in the design of combinational and sequential logic circuits, as well as synchronisation mechanisms. The given problem involved the development of a proposal to automate the collection and classification of information in a specific case study. It included the utilisation of a matrix for reading and storing information, along with the implementation of a mechanism to shift that information to the header of each matrix row to be retrieved by a collector. The collector simulates a robot that retrieves all the information from the matrix and places it in a transporter belt-like structure to be delivered in parallel to a sequential processing classifier. As a solution, the necessary circuits were defined and implemented using Logisim Evolution software. Additionally, a graphical interface was designed to provide an abstraction of the circuit implementation, allowing visualisation of the information flow in the system during simulation, accompanied by an informative panel and the possibility of detailed circuit navigation.

How to Cite
Dellacqua, P., Sánchez, S., & Yeroncich, F. (2023). Automatic system for information collection and classification based on logic circuits. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(6), 151-164. Retrieved from
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