Students' perception of the Computing Analyst undergraduate degree at UNC

  • Araceli Acosta National University of Córdoba
  • Mallku Ernesto Soldevila Raffa FAMAF, UNC y CONICET
Keywords: Computing Science Curriculum, Course attending during the pandemic, University, Computing Science Teaching, Difficulties attending courses


Given the growing relevance of ubiquitous computing technologies in the conformation of society, periodic curricular updates of Computing Science and related careers become increasingly necessary. It is not only important to review disciplinary content and competencies, but also to take into consideration the transformations of, for example, educational technologies, forms of software production, modes of social interaction, as a guide to incorporate new teaching tools and work methodologies to our careers. Within this framework, and with the goal of relieving the opinion of advanced students, a survey was carried out with perspectives to modify the study plans of the computing careers of the Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. This paper shows the results of the analysis of said survey, which included inquiries about the experience of the student during the pandemic, as well as specific organizational and curricular aspects of the career. The analysis reveals a complex landscape of diverse realities, problems and interpretations of the role of the career and the faculty in the training and accompaniment of the people who attend.

How to Cite
Acosta, A., & Soldevila Raffa, M. (2023). Students’ perception of the Computing Analyst undergraduate degree at UNC. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(9), 110-123. Retrieved from
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