Analysis and redesign of a network of primary health care centers

  • Graciela Alicia Moreno Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur - IIESS CONICET-UNS
  • M. Susana Moreno
  • Aníbal M. Blanco
Keywords: PHCC, GIS, Need-supply-demand, Mathematical model.


The Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC) networks in the cities provide preventive health services to society, particularly to the population without medical coverage. Despite the efforts of municipalities to gradually adapt the system to their population’s needs, population dynamics and demographic and territorial growth mean that the PHCC are not always adequately distributed or provide the type and volume of services at optimal levels. The main objective of this work is to study the need, demand, and supply of first-level services using a mathematical model. An optimum location/maximum coverage mixed-integer linear programming model was implemented to investigate network redesigns to improve access indicators. Hypothetical experiments based on theoretical models of willingness to move as a function of distance allow estimating demand levels and analyzing the impact of infrastructure modifications. The proposed case studies identify potential increases in demand and improvements in the level of use of some underutilized services.

How to Cite
Moreno, G., Moreno, M., & Blanco, A. (2023). Analysis and redesign of a network of primary health care centers. Proceedings of JAIIO, 9(15), 33-46. Retrieved from
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